Unravelling the Coming Crime Wave in Barbados

Unravelling the Coming Crime Wave in Barbados

Last Updated on September 20, 2024 9:32 AM by herald

Less than a week after publishing the prophecy, “Is the Black Horse of Revelation Riding in Barbados?”, four additional shootings occurred in the country resulting in four deaths.

One of those shootings occurred in Lower Carlton, St. James, resulting in the injury of a six-year old girl. 

In the article cited above, we reported on a prophetic dream that predicted an unprecedented increase in gun violence in Barbados among youth of school age.  If you have not done so yet, you can read the article here.

Blame Game

As expected, commentators on the latest shooting have pointed a finger at the administration and in particular at the AG. We agree that the administration of a country has a significant role in preventing crime. For one, the administration can make sure that all offenders receive just punishment for their crimes.

However, all too often, offenders in this country manage to “escape” punishment or receive sentences that are not commensurate with the crime.

That having been said, we have to give the school administration kudos for instituting “entry challenges” in all schools in the new (2024) school year that has just begun.

Several years ago, the powers that be at that time wanted to institute metal detectors in schools.  It was roundly criticized by the public and was abandoned. Predictably Barbadian. Now we are at this point where we recognize the need for preventive security measures in school.

But, unless we want to create a dystopian society like that in the sci-fi movie Minority Report, we  have to recognize that the administration of the day cannot do much to prevent crime or stop the formation of the intent to commit crime. But why?

Heart Matter

According to Jesus, crime and all evil come from the heart of the individual.

For out of the heart come evil thoughts—murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. Matthew 15:19.

We should listen to Jesus and listen very carefully. The problem is that we have thrown Jesus and the Bible out of our thinking. That is true for both the society in general and regrettably much of the so-called Christian church.  We have thrown him out of our schools and out of our universities.

It often amazes me that we would never think of putting diesel into a gasoline engine but yet we think it is a smart thing if we put God out of our thinking. It’s truly amazing!

It’s also pretty stupid because we are the only ones who will bear the consequences.  There is an inexorable universal law that individuals and human administrators across the ages find it hard to get through their thick skulls. That law is this:

You can choose what to think or do or believe but you cannot choose the consequences because the consequences are hard-wired into the choices made. 


This way of expressing this truth sounds new, even complicated. But it is not a new idea at all. We have alternative expressions for it such as karma and you reap what you sow. We never were – and never can be – totally free. All freedom is bounded or limited freedom and must be so if you think about it deeply enough!

The problem is that there is a time lag between sowing and reaping. Because of this time lag, people and whole generations do not recognize that they are reaping a harvest that was sown some time ago, in some cases a generation ago.

It took a long time for the church and other segments in the US to recognize that the shootings in that country’s schools are directly related to the banning of traditional prayers in those institutions. Yet we want to repeat that same strategy here in our Barbadian schools despite the mounting evidence before our eyes. 

There is truly no end to folly among human beings especially some of those who boast long lists of credentials behind their names.  Education is definitely not equivalent to wisdom or common sense. That is why scripture has declared:

Fear of the LORD is the foundation of true wisdom. All who obey his commandments will grow in wisdom. Praise him forever!  Psalm 111:10 New Living Translation.

Turn Around

Unless we change our ways in Barbados – in other words repent and do so urgently – everything prophesied about crime in this country will come to pass regardless to whether we want to believe so or not. What we believe does not change the truth, only our perception.  We cannot break God’s laws; rather, we will break ourselves on them.

You and I did not make, do not own and are not in control of this universe. It is time we got real and looked to the one who made this universe, set up its universal laws and who, therefore, can save us. But I am afraid that a word to the unwise is often not enough.

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