European Response to Ukraine War Consistent with Bible Prophecy

European Response to Ukraine War Consistent with Bible Prophecy

Last Updated on March 14, 2022 1:01 PM by herald

The indecisive and double-minded behaviour of the European Union towards the Russia-Ukraine war is predicted by Bible prophecy. Unfortunately, we have not seen the end of that behaviour. In this article we explain our assertions.

To put these assertions in context we need to move backward in time to a point where the events happening right before our eyes were prophesied. For the source of our prophecy we turn to the book of Daniel Chapter 2 which you can access here.

Daniel and the Jews were in Babylon from 598 BC for seventy years in what is called the Babylonian Captivity or the Babylonian Exile. After careful study of the Scriptures, Daniel realized that their exile was punishment for their sin of not keeping God’s commandments.

We have sinned and done wrong. We have acted wickedly and rebelled. We have turned away from Your commandments and ordinances.  Daniel 9:5 BSB

More precisely, their 70 year exile, which was predicted by the prophet Jeremiah, was punishment for their disobedience to God’s law about keeping the agricultural sabbaths.  This site, though not “active”, provides a full discussion of how the 70 year period is computed. Alternatively you can peruse here for an explanation.

While in Babylon, which is part of today’s Iraq, Daniel was asked to interpret the dreams and visions of others or was himself given prophetic visions about the rise and fall, not only of the Babylonian Empire in which Israel was exiled at the time, but also of key world empires that would follow.   

Attached is a pictorial summary of what we will call here Daniel’s Empire Prophecies (DEP) as told in Chapter 2. Some of these prophecies were in fact fulfilled in Daniel’s time. See for example, the end of chapter 5

Please note that the dates given in the exhibit are approximate and depend on which events historians use to measure the beginning and end of a period.

The last kingdom, the legs of iron or the Great Roman Empire ruled from 160 BC to 476 AD or from 2nd century BC to virtually the end of the 5th century AD. 

Jesus was born in and lived in the time of the Roman Empire. One source, the puts Jesus’ birth around 6 to 4 BC.  He was crucified in 30 AD.  

Kingdom of Heaven

Jesus’ birth marked the beginning of the kingdom described by Daniel; the Kingdom of God or the Kingdom of Heaven.  Note that Daniel did not call this the fifth kingdom.  The latter part of verse 44 tells us why: it is an eternal kingdom and it shall supersede all other kingdoms.

And in the days of these kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall not be left to other people; it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever. Daniel 2:44 BSB

In keeping with Daniel’s prophecy, Scripture records that after his baptism and temptations, Jesus began his earthly ministry by proclaiming the Kingdom of God or the Kingdom of Heaven:

From that time on Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.”  Matt 4: 17

The representation of the Great Roman Empire as two feet arising out of the torso of the image is as precise as one can get.  The Roman Empire began as the Republic of Rome in Italy which was one of the territories conquered by the Greek, Alexander the Great.

Thereafter it grew through violent conquest exactly as Daniel had prophesied:

Finally, there will be a fourth kingdom as strong as iron; for iron shatters and crushes all things, and like iron that crushes all things, it will shatter and crush all the others. Daniel 2:40 BSB 

As Daniel prophecy implied, the Great Roman Empire was eventually divided into two separate kingdoms represented by the two legs of the statue.  These were the Eastern Roman Empire, also called Byzantium  and the Western Roman Empire.  This occurred in 285 AD. These two regions  correspond roughly today to Eastern Europe and Western Europe

Consistent with the prophetic revelation, these two parts of the Roman Empire further broke into separate states which we know today as the countries of Europe.  The wars and infighting that have taken place since 285 AD are testimony to the specifics of Daniel’s prophecy:

And just as you saw that the feet and toes were made partly of fired clay and partly of iron, so this will be a divided kingdom, yet some of the strength of iron will be in it—just as you saw the iron mixed with clay.  Daniel 2:41 BSB

Reviving the Empire

Ever conscious of its history, former glory and perhaps destiny, this kingdom has constantly sought to reunite itself through force.  World War II was an epic demonstration of that. 

After the terrible tragedy of that war, Europe has sought a more peaceful, voluntary approach to unity. It is created the European Union which, at this point, is made up of 27 countries. The UK left the EU on 31 January 2020 in a much publicized process known as Brexit.

Even so, the fracturing has continued with the breakup of the former Republic of Yugoslavia into separate states, to some extent along ethnic lines, into Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia Herzegovina,  Montenegro, Serbia and Macedonia.

The members of the EU are notorious for their inability to agree on anything but this too is consistent with prophecy of Daniel:

And as the toes of the feet were partly iron and partly clay, so this kingdom will be partly strong and partly brittle.  As you saw the iron mixed with clay, so the peoples will mix with one another, but will not hold together any more than iron mixes with clay. Daniel 2: 42 – 43 BSB

This then is what you have been seeing played out in the media, at least in the early stages, regarding the war in the Ukraine. Many were very pleasantly surprised that the body could even agree on how to handle some aspects of the Ukraine conflict. 

Even though a united face has been presented it should be noted that not all members of the EU have agreed to the toughest sanction of kicking Russia out of the SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) banking system.  


The same indecision and wavering applies to NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) which is a defense treaty involving the several of the nations of Europe and North America. 

For many years the US under both president Obama and Trump had warned the EU about beefing up its own defenses.  Only the active threat of Russia in the Ukraine has been able to wring some agreement from the German government to increase defense spending from 1% of GDP to 2% as has been carried in the news.

European Empire Rising

The Russia-Ukraine war has ushered in a new era in geo-political relations and the situation is evolving.  Many Bible scholars are of the opinion that the one world anti-Christ system will come out of Europe as a revived Roman Empire, so to speak.  Europe is taking centre stage consistent with such prophetic interpretations. 

We have not seen the end of indecision, inconsistency and moral turpitude (which we have not discussed) from Europe. If we understand the Bible prophecy at all, up ahead is another war where the EU will be expected to make hard decisions and take sides.

Prophecies in Ezekiel 38 and 39 indicate that Israel will be looking at an invasion by middle-east and African countries led by Russia (Gog and Magog) through Syria and across the Golan Heights. From a look at the situation on the ground, most of the actors and “props” for this are already in place.

When that invasion does occur, Israel will be left with a weakened USA and a European Union which may prefer to take a hands off approach. Only the God of Israel who “neither slumbers nor sleeps” will come to the aid of Israel.  Let us pray for the peace of Israel as Scripture instructs because the peace of Israel has much to do with our own peace wherever we are in the world.


The accuracy of its prophecy is perhaps the most important proof of the authenticity of the Bible.   Christians must start to think of history as fulfilled prophecy. The study of these two together with a study of current events and prayer are an unbeatable combination for staying “sober, vigilant” and prepared for the marriage feast of the Lamb.

Watch and pray (Luke 21:36) was not a suggestion but a command from our Lord and Saviour, the Most High God, King of Kings and Lord of all Lords.  


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